Sunday, March 28, 2010

Spring classes and hookins

Just a quick note to let you know "By the Bay Rug hooking Group" will be meeting at the studio every 3rd Sat of the month from 10-2pm.
I will be holding a beginner class on Mondays from 6-8pm starting April 5th for 4 weeks. The cost of the class is $75, the kits are $70 which includes your pattern, wool, hoop and hook. If you have your hoop and hook, I will subtract that from the cost.
I am sorry to have taken so long to get this figured out but with reno's, a new grandchild, holidays and work it gets hard to stop long enough to have dinner let alone make the new schedule. Hope those of you interested will be ok with the times I have chosen, but with my other obligations this is what fits. Hope you all can make it.
The above rug was made for my daughter Nicole's 30th birthday, it is of her paternal grandparents home on Cambridge St, Penetanguishene. The house was sold a few years ago and has been demolished, she has fond memories of the place and asked that I make her the rug. she was quite pleased with the outcome which I was glad of.
The MAKE store in Collingwood has been doing very well. I sold 2 rugs and wool coats the first weekend, I have also sold the Hip/Hop Rabbit pillow and a 3D sheep, and have another order for the hip/hop pillow. The other artists are doing well also, it is worth having a stop in as it is quite a unique little shop.
By the way I have a new addition to our family, Nathaniel Charles Mortellitti was born March 9th, 2010 at around 4:15pm, at 9lbs 4oz. He's a keeper!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Has Spring Sprung

There is a new store downtown Collingwood!!!!!!! MAKE opened Feb 19th, the store is a collective of 16 artists who show, work and sell their work at this lovely little boutique. Allison Billings the owner has done a wonderful job of bringing it all together. Drop in and take a look if you are ever in Collingwood.

Just an update on how our group has progressed since January. We are now meeting here in the newly updated studio, the number of people attending has been encouraging. Our Hookers and Knitters meet every Tuesday from 10-2pm, you are encouraged to bring a pair of slippers, a brown bag lunch and your own mug ( I don't like doing dishes). Coffee/tea/bottled water are a loonie, for a bottomless cup, money jar is there and we are on the honor system here.
We will be closed the week of March break so no group that week only. The store will be shut down from Wed Mar 10-Mon March 22 for holidays. See ya on the 23rd for group.

By the Bay rug hookers hosted a Weekend rug show on Feb 19,20 & 21st at the Penetanguishene Centennial Museum, Winterama weekend. I would like to thank everyone who
donated their time and rugs to make it the success it was. I had wonderful comments from the community about how well we did. Special thanks to Barb for help setting up the displays.

Dorothy Parker and I did demonstration of Rug Hooking at the Simcoe County Museum on Saturday for the Celebration of Arts and Crafts. There was a very good attendance. This event is sponsored by a Trillium Grant and we will be getting a donation to our group for attending. We will have to vote on how we will spend our money when we get it.

I have the yarn shop set up in it's new spot downstairs, I find it a much larger and organized space and hope you will all find time to come in and take a look.

Hopefully with the new studio we will see more people attending and have more workshops as it can sit everyone comfortably. See you all when I get back from holidays-Kirsten will be taking my messages and I will get back to people next week. See ya all soon.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Years 2010

Happy New Years to All,

I hope your Christmas was merry and bright and that you all have a wonderful New Year.

I am going into the New Year with a new attitude, I have been thinking how my last year has been which was a bit difficult as some of you know, and it actually started off that way and now that is all behind me all I can think about is how fortunate I am to be where I am now and have the family and friends that have supported me through the rough times and are still here now to revel in the good times.
I am working diligently on getting the downstairs finished so I can move the shop down there. We will have much more space and a great work area. I am not pushing too hard but do alittle something each day and it will get done. Hopefully by the end of January but if not it won't be long after.

I am going to book my classes whether they will be upstairs or down will be decided at the time but the dates are booked.

Knitting Socks-Monday January 18-Feb 8th 2010 from 6pm-8pm
-Previous knitting experience a must(knit/purl and how to cast on)
-make a pair of socks in 4 weeks, learn how to knit socks on 4 double pointed
Kit plus 4 weeks of lessons-$55
You may also join us for our weekly knitin each Tues from 10am-12noon at no
charge for guidance.

Beginner Rug Hooking-Sat Jan 23 and Sat Feb 6, 2010 from 10 am-2pm
bring a brown bag lunch-desserts and drinks are provided
-Come make a small rug hooked piece. You will learn of the history of rug
hooking, how to design, hook and finish a small project.
-Your kit and classes will cost $95, you will need to buy or bring a hoop,
hook and a small pair of scissors.
You may also join in our weekly knit/hook in on Tues from 10am-12noon for
extra guidance if needed at no charge.

I will be doing a demonstration of MINI MEMORIES at the "NEW" Quest Art Gallery on January 28th, 2010 monthly meeting, mini memories are small rug hookings done in fine cut from a picture or drawing and mounted in a matt frame. I will be teaching this course in studio on February 13th from 10-2pm-kits will cost $20 there will be no teaching fee that day so please sign up early to get a seat. Bring your hoops, fine hooks and a cup for your coffee/tea.

Needlefelted Slippers-Sat January30th 2010 from 10am-2pm
-learn the art of needle felting and make yourself a pair of slippers
-kits and course cost $55
-bring yourself a brown bag lunch-desserts ,coffee/tea are provided

That's the course line up for January and February, please book in early as some of the course seats are already spoken for-deposits for courses are mandatory to hold your seat.

Have a wonderfully artsy new year! Karen