Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Years 2010

Happy New Years to All,

I hope your Christmas was merry and bright and that you all have a wonderful New Year.

I am going into the New Year with a new attitude, I have been thinking how my last year has been which was a bit difficult as some of you know, and it actually started off that way and now that is all behind me all I can think about is how fortunate I am to be where I am now and have the family and friends that have supported me through the rough times and are still here now to revel in the good times.
I am working diligently on getting the downstairs finished so I can move the shop down there. We will have much more space and a great work area. I am not pushing too hard but do alittle something each day and it will get done. Hopefully by the end of January but if not it won't be long after.

I am going to book my classes whether they will be upstairs or down will be decided at the time but the dates are booked.

Knitting Socks-Monday January 18-Feb 8th 2010 from 6pm-8pm
-Previous knitting experience a must(knit/purl and how to cast on)
-make a pair of socks in 4 weeks, learn how to knit socks on 4 double pointed
Kit plus 4 weeks of lessons-$55
You may also join us for our weekly knitin each Tues from 10am-12noon at no
charge for guidance.

Beginner Rug Hooking-Sat Jan 23 and Sat Feb 6, 2010 from 10 am-2pm
bring a brown bag lunch-desserts and drinks are provided
-Come make a small rug hooked piece. You will learn of the history of rug
hooking, how to design, hook and finish a small project.
-Your kit and classes will cost $95, you will need to buy or bring a hoop,
hook and a small pair of scissors.
You may also join in our weekly knit/hook in on Tues from 10am-12noon for
extra guidance if needed at no charge.

I will be doing a demonstration of MINI MEMORIES at the "NEW" Quest Art Gallery on January 28th, 2010 monthly meeting, mini memories are small rug hookings done in fine cut from a picture or drawing and mounted in a matt frame. I will be teaching this course in studio on February 13th from 10-2pm-kits will cost $20 there will be no teaching fee that day so please sign up early to get a seat. Bring your hoops, fine hooks and a cup for your coffee/tea.

Needlefelted Slippers-Sat January30th 2010 from 10am-2pm
-learn the art of needle felting and make yourself a pair of slippers
-kits and course cost $55
-bring yourself a brown bag lunch-desserts ,coffee/tea are provided

That's the course line up for January and February, please book in early as some of the course seats are already spoken for-deposits for courses are mandatory to hold your seat.

Have a wonderfully artsy new year! Karen